Nuisance Animals and Wildlife Descriptions

Animals are amazing to see in their natural habitats. But when humans and animals meet unexpectedly in homes, buildings, or backyards, that’s when problems arise and those cute creatures can become a nuisance. Nuisance Pro, LLC is an experienced professional animal removal service specializing in removing bats, birds, and all nuisance wildlife with care for both the animals and the humans in these situations.

Bat Removals from Your Attic or Home

Bats are amazing animals to have around in outdoor environments, just not in your attic. The little brown bat and the big brown bat are the two most common species of bats in Wisconsin. Bats eat hundreds of insects each night, including pests such as mosquitos. A pregnant bat can consume her weight in insects each night. Bats are mammals and typically give birth to one baby bat in early June. If you have bats in your home, it is important to call a professional animal removal service to get them out safely before they multiply. Bat droppings are called guano. These can be toxic if they collect in the insulation of your attic and are breathed in, leading to a disease called histoplasmosis. Bats also are known carriers of rabies. When bats enter your dwelling, it can be a very unpleasant and frightening experience. It’s important to contact an expert animal removal service in your area that is qualified to catch bats and prevent them from re-entering your home.

Bird Removals from Businesses and Homes

When birds find their way into businesses and homes, they can be a big nuisance. Birds get into retail stores, take up shelter in ventilation systems, and leave lots of bird droppings behind. Birds also fall down chimney flues, fly into furnaces and fireplaces, or leave nesting material that can become a fire hazard. They can damage your house by building nests in your eaves, roof, or dryer vents. The most common nuisance-causing birds in central Wisconsin include English sparrows, starlings, pigeons, and woodpeckers. When you have birds that you need to remove from your property, it’s important to find an experienced nuisance animal removal service that can not only help you rescue and extract the birds, but also help you repair the damage they cause and prevent them from nesting or entering your space again.

Feral Cat Issues

Feral cats are cats that were tame once and have gone wild or they were born wild to unspayed or neutered pets. Feral cats are extremely effective hunters and kill for the fun of it. They are highly dangerous to wild birds. It is estimated that feral cats kill up to 2.75 billion birds each year in the U.S. alone, and typically only eat 10% of what they kill. We remove feral cats for homeowners who began by feeding one stray cat until the problem grew to attract many cats from the neighborhood. We also remove feral cats for local police departments and animal care organizations. A feral cat population on your property will not go away on its own, but instead grow at a rapid pace. When this happens, it is not a good thing for the cats. Parasites, mange, diseases, inbreeding, and starvation can occur. It’s best to transport trapped feral cats to your local humane society or animal rescue, where they will examine the cat and determine what is best for the animal. Or call a local expert like Nuisance Pro, LLC that is equipped to remove feral cats and put a stop to the issue.

Opossum Removals from Decks, Sheds, and Backyards

A grayish animal with a hairless tail, the opossum is the only marsupial in North America. Opossums give birth to 12 or more babies in the late spring that initially live in their mother’s pouch to survive their first few months. When encountered, opossums are known for their ability to fake being dead, but will also hiss, sway, and drool. Opossums like to live in existing structures and will often build nests under decks or sheds in backyards. They are opportunistic eaters who will raid bird feeders, your garden, and pet food left outdoors for cats and dogs. Although opossums are not true hibernators, their activity slows in winter. Nuisance Pro, LLC often receives nuisance animal calls about removing opossums from backyards, decks, or sheds in the Fox Valley area of Northeastern Wisconsin.

Raccoon Removals from Chimneys, Attics, and More

The raccoon, known as the masked bandit, is just that—a bandit. Raccoons are nocturnal animals that move around at night and sleep during the day. Raccoons can grow as big as 40 pounds and are powerful enough to tip over garbage cans and force their way into an attic. Raccoons mate in February and the mothers give birth to litters of three to seven babies in late April. Raccoons love to raise their young in chimney flues and in attics. The damage and droppings they leave behind as a result of nests of up to eight raccoons living together can be extreme. If you have a racoon problem in your attic or on your property, you need to reach out immediately to an animal removal expert with experience handling these intimidating creatures.

Rat and Mice Infestations

Rats and mice are rodents that usually live less than one year. But they mate year-round and can have five to ten litters per year with five babies per litter. Rats and mice contaminate food supplies, leave urine stains, distribute droppings, cause odors, and create noise as they scurry through walls and run through attics. Anyone with these rodents in their living space should be concerned because of their need to chew, how fast they multiply, and their ability to spread disease. The best thing to do as soon as you see signs of rodents is to reach out to a pest removal service like Nuisance Pro, LLC. We will help you not only remove the rats or mice, but identify where they are entering your home or business and stop them before they get in again. We can also help you remove dead rodents and repair the damage they have caused

Removals of Skunks Seen in the Daytime

Skunks are nocturnal animals best known for their offensive smell and black with white stripe down their back. A full-grown, healthy skunk is a beautiful animal but has a bad reputation due to its odor, habit of spraying pets such as dogs, and digging habits. Skunks are also the number-one disease carrying animal in North America, and are the top carriers of rabies in northern states such as Wisconsin. Fortunately, a sick skunk will give clear signs when it is sick. If a skunk appears during the day or appears to be unafraid of humans, this usually indicates a sick animal. You should always avoid a skunk behaving this way and call an animal removal expert like Nuisance Pro, LLC ASAP.

Snakes in Wisconsin Basements or Backyards

Snakes are the number one animal phobia for people around the world. Snakes slither and can be frightening when found in basements, garages, and backyards. Snakes are categorized as being poisonous or nonpoisonous. Some signs to identify poisonous snakes are a pit between the eyes and nose, a triangular head, and cat-like pupils. Although venomous snakes are rare in Wisconsin, some do exist, including the Timber Rattler. The most common nonpoisonous snakes in the Fox Valley of Wisconsin are the common garter snake and fox snake. If you discover a snake in your basement, garage, outbuilding, or yard, please do not touch or harm it. Immediately call a service like Nuisance Pro, LLC and leave the removal to your local experts who are equipped to handle all kinds of snakes.

Squirrels Nesting in Attics, Roofs, and Homes

Squirrels do not hibernate and are active all year round. Gray, red, and flying squirrels are the three varieties of squirrels that cause the most trouble in central Wisconsin. Flying squirrels are strictly nocturnal and the smallest of the three varieties. At Nuisance Pro, LLC, we get a number of calls to remove red and grey squirrels. They mate in February and give birth to three to six squirrels as early as March. Attics, roofs, and other dwellings are a popular place for squirrels to raise their young. They use existing holes to enter or chew their own, usually gaining access to your roof from a mature tree. They can chew wiring in buildings, vehicles, and even will gnaw through your outdoor holiday lights, creating dangerous conditions and increasing fire risk. The key with squirrel removals is making sure you work with an experienced animal control expert who will not only remove them, but help repair the damage they leave behind and block the places where squirrels may be able to enter your building.

Woodchucks (Groundhogs) in Your Foundation or Garden

The woodchuck or groundhog is a four legged, low to the ground, digging machine that belongs to the rodent family. Woodchucks (groundhogs) are vegetarians, ground dwellers, and true hibernators. Mating occurs in the spring. After a gestation period of 31 days, they give birth to four to six young woodchucks (groundhogs). Their incredible appetite for greens and their awesome ability to dig is what usually gets them into trouble. They can easily dig their way into basements and crawl spaces, bringing havoc to your foundation. They also will burrow into and eat their way through your garden. Nuisance Pro, LLC often receives calls about removing woodchucks (groundhogs) from properties in Fox Valley and in Northeastern Wisconsin throughout the summer months.

Signs of Dead Animals and Removals

Dead animal removal is definitely not our favorite job, but it is a service we offer at Nuisance Pro, LLC. We always prefer that you call us about a nuisance animal before it dies in your home, building, garage, deck, or shed. In the outside, rabbits or other small animals will sometimes die under decks or in sheds, causing a stink. We even get calls to pick up dead animals that decided to expire in a homeowner’s yard. On the inside, animals like bats and mice living in an attic can fall down a wall and not be able to get back out. When this happens, they die and begin to smell up an adjacent room—and even a whole house. The only option is to cut into the wall, remove the dead animals, and apply odor control to eliminate the smell. It’s not an easy job, but someone has to do it and Nuisance Pro, LLC is an expert at it.